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《balatro》小丑卡牌全介绍 《balatro》joker使用方法汇总-金沙以诚为本赢在信誉

时间:2024-02-22 10:15:06 来源:互联网 作者:蛋白


《balatro》小丑卡牌全介绍 《balatro》joker使用方法汇总


1、joker rarity: common effect: 4mult

小丑 稀有度:常见 效果: 4倍数

2、chaos the clown rarity: common effect: 1 free reroll per round

混沌小丑 稀有度:常见 效果:每回合一个reroll(商店刷新)

3、jolly joker rarity: common effect: 5 mult if played hand contains a pair

欢乐小丑 稀有度:常见 效果:当你出牌包括一对时, 5倍率

4、zany joker rarity: common effect: 10 mult if the played hand contains a three of a kind

滑稽小丑 稀有度:常见 效果:当你出牌包括三条时, 10倍率

5、mad joker rarity: common effect: 20 mult if the played hand contains a four of a kind

疯小丑 稀有度:常见 效果:当你出牌包括四条时, 20倍率

6、crazy joker rarity: common effect: 15 mult if the played hand contains a straight

狂小丑 稀有度:常见 效果:当你出牌包括顺子时, 15倍率

7、droll joker rarity: common effect: 10 mult if the played hand contains a flush

滑稽小丑 稀有度:普通 效果:当你出牌包括同花时, 10倍率

8、half joker rarity: common effect: 15 mult if played hand contains 3 or fewer cards

半张小丑 稀有度:普通 效果:当你出牌少于等于三张时, 15倍率

9、stone joker rarity: common effect: when stone card played, permanently give it 20 chips

石头小丑 稀有度:普通 效果:打出石头牌时,永久额外 20筹码给该石头牌

10、juggler rarity: common effect: hold 2 cards in your hand(注:后续版本可能会更改卡面说明,但是效果相同)

戏法师(杂耍者)稀有度:普通 效果:手牌上限 2

11、drunkard rarity: common effect: 1discards

酒鬼 稀有度:普通 效果:弃牌次数 1

12、mime rarity: common effect: triggercard in hand abilities 2 times

哑剧 稀有度:普通 效果:手持卡的效果触发两次(如steel card,golden card)

13、credit card rarity: common effect: go up to-$20 in debt

信用卡 稀有度:普通 效果:允许有-$20的负债

14、greedy joker rarity: common effect: 4 mult for every card played withthe diamond suit

贪婪小丑 稀有度:普通 效果:出牌里每生效一张方片 4倍率

15、lusty joker rarity: common effect: 4 mult for every card played with the heart suit

色欲小丑 稀有度:普通 效果:出牌里每生效一张红桃 4倍率

16、wrathful joker rarity: common effect: 4 mult for every card played with the spade suit

暴怒小丑 稀有度:普通 效果:出牌里每生效一张黑桃 4倍率

17、gluttonous joker rarity: common effect: 4 mult for every card played withthe club suit

暴食小丑 稀有度:普通 效果:出牌里每生效一张梅花 4倍率

18、troubadour rarity: common effect: 2 handsize, -1 hands per round

游吟诗人 稀有度:普通 效果: 2手牌上限,每回合出牌次数-1

19、banner rarity: common effect: 20(40)chipsfor each remaining discard

旗帜 稀有度:罕见 效果:每剩余一个弃牌机会 40筹码

20、mystic summit rarity: common effect: 15 mult when 0 discards remaining

神秘峰顶 稀有度:普通 效果:当你没有弃牌机会时, 15倍率

21、misprint rarity: common effect: [random]mult ranges from 0 to 20

错版印刷 稀有度:普通 效果:随机 0~20倍率

22、steel joker rarity: common effect: steel cards give extra 10 mult while in hand

钢制小丑 稀有度:普通 效果:钢制卡在手牌中给予额外 10倍率

23、golden joker rarity: common effect: gain $4 at the end of the round

金质小丑 稀有度:普通 效果:在每个回合(指每小关)结束时给予$4

24、scary face rarity: common effect: face cardsgive 20 chips when played

恐怖面容 稀有度:普通 效果:出牌中每张生效的脸卡给予额外 20筹码

25、abstract joker rarity: common effect: 2 mult for each joker card

抽象小丑 稀有度:普通 效果:每有一张小丑牌获得 2倍率

26、delayed gratification rarity: common effect: gain $2 per discard if no discardsare used by the end of the round

延迟收获 稀有度:普通 效果:当该轮没有使用弃牌机会时,每个弃牌机会能给予$2

27、golden ticket rarity: common effect: gain $4 per golden card played

金票券 稀有度:普通 效果:每出一张金制卡牌给予$4

28、even steven rarity: common effect: 4 mult foreach even ranked card played(2, 4, 6, 8, 10)

半斤八两 稀有度:普通 效果:每张偶数牌获得 4倍率(2, 4, 6, 8, 10)

29、odd todd rarity: common effect: 20 chips for each odd ranked cardplayed(a, 3, 5, 7, 9)

欧德·陶德 稀有度:普通 效果:每张奇数牌获得 20筹码(a, 3, 5, 7, 9)

30、scholar rarity: common effect: aces eachgive 4 mult and 20 chips when played

学者 稀有度:普通 效果:每个打出的a可以给予 4倍率和 20筹码

31、business card rarity: common effect: face cards have a 1 in 2 chance togive $2 when played

名片 稀有度:普通 效果:每个脸牌打出时有二分之一的概率给予$2

supernova rarity: common effect: adds the number of times poker hand has been played to mult

超新星 稀有度:普通 效果:将出牌次数加到倍率上

swashbuckler rarity: common effect: adds the sell value of all owned jokers left of this card to mult

侠客 稀有度:普通 效果:把该牌左侧所有的小丑牌出售价格加在倍率上

fortune teller rarity: common effect: 1 mult per tarot card used

占卜师 稀有度:普通 效果:每有一张使用过的塔罗牌,获得 1倍率

ride the bus rarity: common effect: 1 mult per consecutive hand played without a scoring face card

乘上公共汽车 稀有度:普通 效果:每连续打出没有记分脸牌的牌型时,倍率 1

gros michel rarity: common effect: 15 mult.1 in 8 chance this card is destroyed every round

大麦克 稀有度:普通 效果: 15倍率,每一轮游戏结束时候有四分之一概率被摧毁

hanging chad rarity: common effect: trigger first card used when scoring2 times

悬挂票 稀有度:普通 效果:每两次记分额外触发第一张牌

egg rarity:common effect: gains $3 sell value atend of round

蛋 稀有度:普通 效果:每轮结束增加$3售卖价值

ice cream rarity: common effect: 100 chips,-5 chips for every hand played

冰激凌 稀有度:普通 效果: 100筹码,每出一次牌该牌-5筹码

splash rarity: common effect: everyplayed card counts in scoring

水花飞溅 稀有度:普通 效果:打出的每一张牌都将被记分

superposition rarity: common effect: if scoring hand contains an ace and astraight, spawn a tarot/planet card

叠加态 稀有度:普通 效果:如果你的顺子包含a,生成一张塔罗/行星牌

to-do list rarity: common effect: gain $4 ifpoker hand is a [hand type], poker hand changes every payout. ex. pair, fullhouse, etc.

待办事项 稀有度:普通 效果:当打出【牌型】时,给予$4,牌型随着完成而改变

sly joker rarity: common effect: 50 chips if the poker hand containsa pair

诡诈小丑 稀有度:普通 效果:当你出牌包括对子时, 50筹码

wily joker rarity: common effect: 80 chipsif the poker hand contains a three of a kind

狡猾小丑 稀有度:普通 效果:当你出牌包括三条时, 80筹码

devious joker rarity: common effect: 120 chips if the poker hand containsa straight

欺诈小丑 稀有度:普通 效果:当你出牌包括顺子时, 120筹码

crafty joker rarity: common effect: 80 chips if the poker hand containsa flush

狡诈小丑 稀有度:普通 效果:当你出牌包括同花时, 80筹码

spare trousers rarity: common effect: gains 2 mult if a scoring handcontains a two pair. it starts at 0 mult.

备用长裤 稀有度:普通 效果:每出牌包括两对牌型时,获得 2倍率,起始为 0倍率

green joker rarity: common effect: gains 1mult for each hand played. loses -1 mult for each card discarded. it starts at 0 mult.

绿小丑 稀有度:普通 效果:每出牌一次获得 1倍率,每弃牌一次获得-1倍率,起始为 0

photograph rarity: common effect: gives x2mult for the first face card in a round

照片 稀有度:普通 效果:该轮的第一张脸牌获得x2倍率

popcorn rarity: common effect: starts at 20 mult, but -2 mult for each round played

爆米花 稀有度:普通 效果:起始 20倍率,每轮结束后-2倍率

sock and buskin rarity: uncommon effect: trigger all face cards 2 times whencard is played

喜剧与悲剧 稀有度:罕见 效果:出牌后所有脸牌将触发两次

marble joker rarity: uncommon effect: adds one stone card to your deck atthe start of every round

大理石小丑 稀有度:罕见 效果:每轮游戏开始时,在卡组中增加一张石头牌

loyalty card rarity: uncommon effect: x4 mult for every 6th hand played

积分卡 稀有度:罕见 效果:每第六次出牌时,拥有x4倍率

hack rarity: uncommon effect: triggerall 2, 3, 4, and 5 cards 2 times when played

hack 稀有度:罕见 效果:出牌后所有2,3,4,5点牌将触发两次

raised fist rarity: uncommon effect: addsdouble the rank of the lowest card held in hand to mult (j, q, k, and ace aretreated as 10.)

高举的拳头 稀有度:罕见 效果:增加手牌中最低数值的牌值两倍的倍率(jqka视为10,a牌值为11)

glass joker rarity: uncommon effect: gainsx0.5 mult for every glass card that is destroyed

玻璃小丑 稀有度:罕见 效果:每有一张玻璃牌被摧毁,给予x0.5倍率

pareidolia rarity: uncommon effect: allcards are considered face cards

空想性错视 稀有度:罕见 效果:所有牌均被视为脸牌

mr. bones rarity: uncommon effect: preventsdeath if chips scored are at least 25% of required chips (self destructs)

骨头先生 稀有度:罕见 效果:至少完成需求筹码的25%时,可以避免失败(生效后自毁)

seeing double rarity: uncommon effect: x1.5 mult for each 7 of clubs played

重影 稀有度:罕见 效果:每打出一张梅花7获得x1.5倍率

8 ball rarity: uncommon effect: 1 tarotcard if 2 or more 8s are played

八号球 稀有度:罕见 效果:每打出两张或更多8获得一张塔罗牌

cartomancer rarity. uncommon effect: spawns a tarot card when blind is selected

纸牌占卜师 稀有度:罕见 效果:当选择一个盲注时,生成一张塔罗牌


fibonacci rarity: uncommon effect: 4 multfor every ace, 2, 3, 5, and 8 when played

斐波那契 稀有度:罕见 效果:每有一张a2358打出,获得 4(本次demo为 8)倍率

space joker rarity: uncommon effect: 1 in 5chance per hand played to upgrade poker hand level

宇宙小丑 稀有度:罕见 效果:每打出一个牌型有五分之一的概率升级该牌型

matador rarity: uncommon effect: earn $10if played hand triggers the boss blind ability

斗牛士 稀有度:罕见 效果:当触发boss盲注的能力时,赚取$10

ceremonial dagger rarity: uncommon effect: when blind is selected, destroy jokerto the right and permanently add its sell value to this mult

仪式匕首 稀有度:罕见 效果:当选择盲注后,摧毁右侧的joker并将售卖价值加到倍率上

ring master rarity: uncommon effect: jokers,tarots, and planet cards appear multiple times

马戏团领队 稀有度:罕见 效果:小丑,塔罗,行星牌可以出现多次

flower pot rarity: uncommon effect: x3 multif all 4 suits are played in a hand

花盆 稀有度:罕见 效果:当出牌包含四种花色的时候,获得x3倍率

oops! all 6s rarity: uncommon effect: doubles all probabilities

哎呀!全是六点 稀有度:罕见 效果:将所有概率翻倍

four fingers rarity: uncommon effect: all flushes and straights can be madewith 4 cards

四指 稀有度:罕见 效果:所有同花和顺子只需要四张卡

stuntman rarity: uncommon effect: 1 in 5chance to score 500 chips

特技演员 稀有度:罕见 效果:五分之一概率获得 500筹码

driver's license rarity: uncommon effect: x2 mult if deck has at least 16enhanced cards

驾驶证 稀有度:罕见 效果:如果你的卡组有至少16张强化牌,则获得x2倍率

astronomer rarity: uncommon effect: allplanet cards in the shop are free

天文学家 稀有度:罕见 效果:在商店的所有行星牌都是免费的

burnt joker rarity: uncommon effect: 1 handsize for every 4 tarot or planet cards sold

烧焦的小丑牌 稀有度:罕见 效果:每卖出4张塔罗或行星牌获得 1手牌上限

dusk rarity: uncommon effect: triggereach card in final hand of round 2 times when played

黄昏 稀有度:罕见 效果:一轮中最后一次出牌机会的所有牌将触发两次

throwback rarity: uncommon effect: gainsx0.25 mult for each blind skipped. it starts at x1 mult.

复古 稀有度:罕见 效果:每跳过一次盲注给予x0.25倍率。起始为x1倍率

the idol rarity: uncommon effect: x2 multfor each [card] when played, card changes every round (where card is any onespecific card, ex. 7 of clubs)

神像 稀有度:罕见 效果:每有一张【牌】打出时,获得x2倍率,每轮改变牌的类型(牌例如梅花7)

satellite rarity: uncommon effect: earn $3per round for every unique planet card used this run

人造卫星 稀有度:罕见 效果:本次游戏中,每打过一张独特的行星牌可以在每轮中获得$3

certificate rarity: uncommon effect: swapchips and mult when gold seal card is played and scores

证书 稀有度:罕见 效果:每打出金印牌并得分时,交换筹码和倍率

burglar rarity: uncommon effect: whenblind is chosen, gain 3 hands and lose all discards

窃贼 稀有度:罕见 效果:选择盲注后,获得 3出牌机会并且失去所有弃牌机会

blackboard rarity: uncommon effect: x2 multif all unplayed cards in hand are spades or clubs

黑板 稀有度:罕见 效果:当你手中未打出的牌都是黑桃或者梅花时,获得x2倍率

runner rarity: uncommon effect: 20chips. permanently gains 10 chips every time a straight is played

跑者 稀有度:罕见 效果: 20筹码。每打出顺子时,永久获得 10筹码

constellation rarity: uncommon effect: gains x0.1 mult per planet card used

星座 稀有度:罕见 效果:每使用一张行星牌获得x0.1倍率

hiker rarity: uncommon effect: when anycard is played, permanently give it 1 chip

远足者 稀有度:罕见 效果:每打出一张牌,永久获得 1筹码

gift card rarity: uncommon effect: adds $1to the sell value of every joker and consumable card at the end of round

礼物卡 稀有度:罕见 效果:每轮结束后,每张小丑牌和消耗牌的出售价值加$1

hologram rarity: uncommon effect: gainsx0.25 mult for each card added to your deck. it starts at x1 mult.

全息图 稀有度:罕见 效果:每往卡组里面加一张牌,给予x0.25倍率。起始为x1倍率

vagabond rarity: uncommon effect: createsa tarot card if a hand is played while you have $4 or less (if you havesufficient space)

流浪汉 稀有度:罕见 效果:当你有$4或者更少的钱时出牌,则创造一张塔罗牌(如果你有足够的空间)

obelisk rarity: uncommon effect: gainsx0.25 mult for each consecutive hand played that is not your most played pokerhand in that run. it starts at x1 mult.

方尖碑 稀有度:罕见 效果:每当你打出一个不是打出最多的牌型,获得x0.25倍率。起始为x1倍率(已削弱为稀有/rare,x0.20倍率)

ramen rarity: uncommon effect: gives x2mult, but loses x0.01 for every card discarded

拉面 稀有度:罕见 效果:给予x2倍率,但是每弃一张牌则失去x0.01倍率

diet cola rarity: uncommon effect: sellingthis card creates a free double tag

健怡可乐 稀有度:罕见 效果:卖出这张卡将创造一个免费的双倍标记

trading card rarity: uncommon effect: ifthe first discard of the round is only 1 card, destroy it and gain $5

集换式卡牌 稀有度:罕见 效果:如果你本轮第一次弃牌只弃了一张,摧毁该卡并获得$3

reserved parking rarity: uncommon effect: 50% chance of every face card in handscoring $1 per hand played (each face card held in hand has a 1 to 2 chance togive $1)

预留停车位 稀有度:罕见 效果:每出一次牌,手中的脸牌获得$1

bull rarity: uncommon effect: adds 2chips for every dollar you have

公牛 稀有度:罕见 效果:每美元都将获得2筹码

shortcut rarity: uncommon effect: allows straightsto be made with gaps of 1 rank


捷径 稀有度:罕见 效果:允许你跳过一个数字来组成顺子(例如:2,3,5,7,8)

merry andy rarity: rare effect: extradiscards carry over to the next round

欢乐安迪 稀有度:稀有 效果:额外的弃牌机会将会被携带至下一轮

blueprint rarity: rare effect: copies theability of the joker to the right

蓝图 稀有度:稀有 效果:复制右侧小丑牌的能力

the duo rarity: rare effect: x1.5 mult ifthe played hand contains a pair

双人组 稀有度:稀有 效果:当你的出牌包括一对时,获得x1.5倍率

the trio rarity: rare effect: x2 mult ifplayed hand contains a three of a kind

三人组 稀有度:稀有 效果:当你的出牌包括三条时,获得x2倍率

the family rarity: rare effect: x3 mult if playedhand contains a four of a kind

家庭 稀有度:稀有 效果:当你的出牌包括四条时,获得x3倍率

the order rarity: rare effect: x3 mult ifplayed hand contains a straight

社团 稀有度:稀有 效果:当你的出牌包括顺子时,获得x3倍率

the tribe rarity: rare effect: x3 mult ifplayed hand contains a flush

宗族 稀有度:稀有 效果:当你的出牌包括同花时,获得x3倍率

joker stencil rarity: rare effect: x1 mult for each empty joker slot. joker stencil included

小丑模板 稀有度:稀有 效果:每有一个空的小丑牌栏位拥有x1倍率,小丑模板算作一个空位

hit the road rarity: rare effect: extra x0.5 mult per discarded jack this round

出发吧 稀有度:稀有 效果:本轮每弃掉一张jack(j)获得额外的x0.5倍率

smeared joker rarity: rare effect: suits are grouped into red and black

脏污的小丑牌 稀有度:稀有 效果:花色只有红色和黑色

invisible joker rarity: rare effect: after 3 rounds, sell this card toduplicate a random joker you currently have

隐形小丑 稀有度:稀有 效果:三回合后出售该牌,复制你拥有的一张随机小丑牌

brainstorm rarity: rare effect: copiesability of leftmost joker

大脑风暴 稀有度:稀有 效果:复制最左侧小丑牌的能力

rough gem rarity: rare effect: $2 for eachplayed card with diamond suit

粗糙宝石 稀有度:稀有 效果:每张方片牌打出将给予$2

bloodstone rarity: rare effect: 8 mult foreach played card with heart suit

血石 稀有度:稀有 效果:每张红桃牌打出将给予 8倍率

arrowhead rarity: rare effect: 20 chipsfor each played card with spade suit

箭镞 稀有度:稀有 效果:每张黑桃牌打出将给予 20筹码

onyx agate rarity: rare effect: 1 in 4chance for x2 mult for each played card with club suit

黑玛瑙 稀有度:稀有 效果:每张梅花牌打出将有四分之一概率给予x2倍率

bootstraps rarity: rare effect: 1 mult forevery $5 you have

拔靴带 稀有度:稀有 效果:每有$5获得 1倍率

dna rarity:rare effect: if first hand of round hasonly 1 card, add a permanent copy to deck and draw it to hand

dna 稀有度:稀有效果:如果第一次出牌只出一张,则立刻永久复制一张并加入手牌

baseball card rarity: rare effect: uncommon jokers give x1.5 mult each

棒球卡 稀有度:稀有 效果:每一张罕见小丑牌都将给予x1.5倍率

caino rarity: legendary effect:permanently gain x1 mult for every face card that is destroyed

该隐 稀有度:传奇 效果:每摧毁一张脸牌则永久增加x1倍率

triboulet rarity: legendary effect: kingsand queens give x1.5 mult

特里布莱特 稀有度:传奇 效果:king(k)和queen(q)给予x1.5倍率

yorick rarity: legendary effect: x5 multonly after 23 discards

约里克 稀有度:传奇 效果:在23次弃牌后触发x5倍率

chicot rarity: legendary effect:disables effect of every boss blind

奇科特 稀有度:传奇 效果:boss盲注的能力无效

perkeo rarity: legendary effect:duplicate 1 random tarot/planet card in your possession at the end of shop

佩克欧 稀有度:传奇 效果:当从商店离开时,复制手中的一张塔罗或行星牌

séance rarity: rare effect: if poker hand is straight flush, create a random spectral card

降神会 稀有度:稀有 效果:如果你打出的牌型是同花顺,创造一张随机的幽灵牌
